• Vijay Singh Nain
  • Suman Nain
  • Sidharth Mehan
  • Jatiender Panu
  • Rajmohan
  • R.D. Budhiraja
Keywords: Apocynin, Diabetic neuropathy, Nitroblutetrazolium(NBT), Streptozotocin(STZ), Hyperalgesia and Allodynia


The present study was conducted to investigate the role of Apocynin in prevention of streptozotocin induced diabetic neuropathy in wistar rats. Thirty male wistar rats (220-250g) were randomly allocated to five groups (6 rats per group). The rats were housed in individual cages in an environmentally controlled room. After one week acclimatization rats were assigned to non-diabetic control, diabetic control, two diabetic groups supplemented with Apocynin (15 and 100 mg/kg/day, per os) and a non diabetic control group supplemented with Apocynin (100 mg/kg/day). The Apocynin was started at end of fourth week post STZ challenge and continued for next two weeks. The development of diabetic neuropathy was assessed behaviourally by estimating hyperalgesia and allodynia. The oxidative stress in the sciatic nerve was assessed by measuring lipid peroxidation, reduced glutathione and nitroblutetrazolium (NBT) reduction. The single administration of STZ resulted in enhanced oxidative stress in the sciatic nerve and consequently diabetic neuropathy, evidenced by hyperalgesia and allodynia. The treatment with Apocynin, partially but significantly prevented the development of diabetic neuropathy by lowering (P<0.05) the oxidative stress. Hence, it may be concluded that diabetes-induced neuropathy is associated with an elevated oxidative stress. Apocynin delays or prevents the development of diabetes-induced neuropathy possibly by preventing the activation of NADPH oxidase and protecting the diabetic sciatic nerve from oxidative insult.
How to Cite
Vijay Singh Nain, Suman Nain, Sidharth Mehan, Jatiender Panu, Rajmohan, & R.D. Budhiraja. (1). APOCYNIN SUPPLEMENTATION: COMPARISON OF THERMAL PERCEPTION AND OXIDATIVE STRESS IN DIABETIC INDUCED NEUROPATHY. International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research (IJPPR), 1(2), 119-126. Retrieved from https://ijppronline.com/index.php/IJPPR/article/view/49

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