Indexing & Abstracting
An Open Access publication
» The author(s) and copyright holder(s) grant to all users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right of access and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works in any digital medium for any taking responsibility purpose, subject to proper attribution of writings, as well as the right to make small number of printed copies for their individual use.
» A complete version of the work in a suitable standard electronic format, including a copy of the permission as stated above, is deposited immediately upon initial publication in at least one online repository supported by an academic institution, scholarly society, government agency, or other well-established organization that seeks to enable Open Access, unrestricted access to knowledge (for the biomedical sciences, PubMed Central is such a repository).
» Individual works have the property of open access.
» The means for enforcing correct credit and responsible usage of the published work will continue to be community standards rather than copyright legislation.
A detailed look at the Open Access movement
» There has been a lot of discussion recently about implementing Open Access for academic articles. Keeping this in mind, this essay provides a complete overview of Open Access and its influence on the scientific community.
» Open Access should be viewed as a way to speed up scientific discovery by allowing open and unlimited access to scientific knowledge through the Internet. The long-term preservation of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and research data is an important function of Open Access. Open Access is being used not only for journal articles, but also for theses, scholarly monographs, and book chapters. Open Access is critical for encouraging innovation, socioeconomic growth, and information transfer throughout the world. As a result, Open Access may be characterized as a tool that is eventually utilized for the public good to promote the expansion of global science while also maintaining the quality of scientific achievements.
» Subscription and pay-per-view publications that restrict access to research findings and scientific innovation will only obstruct communication within the scientific community. Furthermore, limiting access might obstruct the education and spread of scientific information to younger generations interested in pursuing a career in research. Increased productivity and scientific advancement can only be accomplished by disseminating information and providing the infrastructure for permanent repositories like Open Access. Scientists can access free scholarly literature without paying membership fees or complying with copyright and license restrictions thanks to Open Access publishing. Other than the limit oftime,OpenAccesspublicationenablesforthepermanentpreservationofscientificdata
through digital copies.
With access to the Internet, scientists all around the globe may freely share knowledge and cooperate to advance research. Open Access journals not only pay royalties for free literature, but they also save money on printing, storage, and dissemination by using digital versions.
» Many end users, including students, researchers, physicians, patients, policymakers, and journalists, benefit from Open Access implementation. People from all across the world, whether from an underprivileged nation like Africa, a developing nation like India, or rich countries like the United States or the United Kingdom, will have rapid access to the most recent study findings as long as there is Internet connectivity. As a result, the Open Access project aids in unlocking traditional subscription article ways and releasing information to tertiary level readers who would otherwise be unable to access first-hand research investigations. Realizing the promise of Open Access in terms of increased visibility within and outside the scientific community, numerous Open Access publishers have given the Open Access movement a huge boost in recent years. IJPPR is one such publishing house that supports this movement and is dedicated to the welfare and advancement of the scientific community. IJPPR is based on the Open Access principles and is dedicated to providing free and unfettered access to research publications to academics all over the globe in order to progress science and technology.