Management of Psoriasis by Psoralea corylifolia laden nanoparticulate gel

  • Shailendra Mishra Sunder Deep Pharmacy College, Dasna, Ghaziabad
  • Sushmita Mishra Sunder Deep Pharmacy College, Dasna, Ghaziabad
  • Alpana H.R Institute of Pharmacy
  • Khushboo Bansal Sunder Deep Pharmacy College, Dasna, Ghaziabad
Keywords: Psoriasis, Psoralea corylifolia, nanoparticulate gel, topical, medication


The aim of the current research is to create and assess an in-situ gel drug delivery system using nanoparticulates, i.e., an in-situ gel containing ethanol extract from P. corylifolia, for the management and treatment of psoriasis. The physicochemical and phytochemical characteristics of P. corylifolia seeds were investigated. Based on initial phytochemical screening of the seeds, a high concentration of flavonoids, tannins, steroids, glycosides, and saponins is present in the ethanolic extract, which might play a major role in the anti-psoriatic action. Preformulation investigations were carried out in order to create an in-situ gel comprising a nanoparticulate of P. corylifolia ethanol extract. A number of parameters, including vesicle size and shape and entrapment effectiveness, were evaluated and optimized for the generated nanoparticle formulation. By using scanning electron microscopy to determine the form of the vesicle, it was found that the nanoparticles were spherical in shape. The F8 batch of produced nanoparticles had the smallest particle size, with vesicles ranging in size from 185 to 243 nm. The P. corylifolia loaded nanoparticles that were created demonstrated an encapsulation efficiency ranging from 19.05±1.0 to 73.06±0.1. Out of the several batches, batch F8 had the highest encapsulation efficiency. The percentage of drug release was found to be between 82.75% and 96.33% in the in-vitro dissolution investigation carried out on produced nanoparticles. F8 batch demonstrated the highest release. In situ gel formulation was prepared by batch (F8). The prepared in situ gel's pH was determined to be between 6.68 and 7.4. Since the pH values of all the created formulations fell within the region of neutral pH, it is possible to use them without risking irritation. The percentage of drug loading varied from 85.57 to 95.39%. According to the in vitro drug release results for Nanoparticulate in situ gel, batch B3 had the maximum release, with a considerable rise in release observed up to 12 hours, ranging from 71.84 to 91.89%. According to the stability investigations, the chosen formulation batch (B3) of nanoparticulate in situ gel remained stable for three months at room temperature (25 ± 2 º C) and 75% ± 5% relative humidity. This study's findings showed that the use of P. corylifolia ethanol extract with nanoparticle in-situ gel was an excellent method for managing psoriasis and enhancing the delivery of topical medications.
How to Cite
Shailendra Mishra, Sushmita Mishra, Alpana, & Khushboo Bansal. (1). Management of Psoriasis by Psoralea corylifolia laden nanoparticulate gel . International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research (IJPPR), 15(3), 253-277.