Design and Optimization of Hydrotropic Solid Dispersion of Piroxicam for Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Yatindra Kumar Department of Pharmacy GSVM Medical College Kanpur
  • Mudit Kumar Department of Pharmacy GSVM Medical College Kanpur
Keywords: Hydrotropic solid dispersion, physical mixture, piroxicam, rheumatoid arthritis, bioavailability


The oral bioavailability of poorly soluble medicines is highly dependent on their solubility. In the case of weakly water-soluble medications, drug dissolution is the rate-determining stage in oral absorption, which might impact the drug's absorption in vivo. Because 40% of newly created chemical entities are hydrophobic by nature and formulators have traditionally been concerned about the solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), the delivery of such water-soluble medications has been the focus of much investigation. To increase the drug's water solubility and bioavailability, the current study aimed to manufacture hydrotropic solid dispersion for the weakly soluble medication Piroxicam for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Rf values of Piroxicam were found to be 0.75-0.77, confirming drug compatibility. Initially, physical mixtures and hydrotropic solid dispersions of Piroxicam, were prepared using selected hydrotrope i.e. sodium benzoate in different ratios. % drug content of PM and HSD found to be 98.69 and 99.92. The batch that was considered optimal was the one with formulation F9. In pH 6.8 phosphate buffer and Simulated Salivary Fluid, the improved formulation F9 demonstrated 98.88% and 99.97% release, respectively, within 30 minutes. The performed stability studies revealed that optimized formulation was stable and thus complied with dose conformity criterion.
How to Cite
Yatindra Kumar, & Mudit Kumar. (1). Design and Optimization of Hydrotropic Solid Dispersion of Piroxicam for Rheumatoid Arthritis. International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research (IJPPR), 15(3), 182-195.