Formulation and evaluation of Liposomal gel of Atorvastatin for Diabetic Foot Ulcer

  • Sudheer Singh Gangwar Department of Pharmacy GSVM Medical College Kanpur
  • Amita Tilak Department of Pharmacy GSVM Medical College Kanpur
Keywords: Liposomes, gel, atorvastatin, diabetic foot ulcer, transdermal, drug delivery


Statins have applications that go beyond controlling cholesterol; when administered systemically, they help facilitate the healing of wounds. The current work aims to formulate and evaluate liposomal gel of Atorvastatin for treatment of diabetic foot ulcer. Thin-film hydration method was used in the formulation liposomes. Firstly, eight batches of liposomes with various ratios of surfactant and cholesterol were made and assessed according to various criteria. The following characteristics of prepared liposomes were extrapolated from the data: vesicle diameter (3.35–4.15), drug content (99.3%), and drug entrapment efficiency (82.2%). After 24 hours, the batch with the surfactant and cholesterol ratio 1:2:2 (B4) had the highest drug release (91.69%) and was chosen to prepare a liposomal gel utilizing HPMC as the gelling agent. The prepared gel was assessed for a number of physicochemical characteristics, with the following results: pH 7.4, spreadability (10.6±0.5), homogeneity (uniformly distributed), clarity (clear), and viscosity (8573cP). It was discovered that the produced gel's medication release percentage in a 24-hour period was 81.19%. The dissolution data was fitted into a number of kinetic models in attempt to determine the drug release mechanism, and it was discovered that the process was of zero order. From the result it is concluded that the prepared liposomal gel may produce transdermal drug delivery, enabling incorporated drugs to get retained for longer time period of time resulting in sustained effects for treatment of diabetic foot ulcer.
How to Cite
Sudheer Singh Gangwar, & Amita Tilak. (1). Formulation and evaluation of Liposomal gel of Atorvastatin for Diabetic Foot Ulcer. International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research (IJPPR), 15(3), 160-181.