Polyherbal Nanoparticulate Gel Containing Herbal Extracts of Harad, Neem, Liquorice and Turmeric: Characterization and In-vitro Assessment

  • Pradnya B Patil NET Pharmacy College Raichur, Karnataka
  • Ayesha Sultana NET Pharmacy College Raichur, Karnataka
  • Charulatha NET Pharmacy College Raichur, Karnataka
  • Saniya Samreen NET Pharmacy College Raichur, Karnataka
Keywords: Polyherbal, nanoparticulate gel, harad, neem, liquorice, turmeric


The creation and characterisation of a polyherbal nanoparticulate gel including extracts of harad (Terminalia chebula), neem (Azadirachta indica), liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) is the focus of the current investigation. Due to their well-known strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial qualities, these plants are excellent choices for topical medicinal uses. To improve the bioavailability and effectiveness of the herbal extracts, a nanoparticulate method was used to make the polyherbal gel. Initially, aqueous extracts of Harad, Neem, Liquorice and Turmeric were evaluated for various pharmacognostical parameters. The aq. Extract & of each plants was lyophilized (60°C) to get powdered forms. The drug content was estimated by HPLC analysis for testing the compatibility of drug with selected excipients used in the formulation. From the outcomes it is concluded that the, Harad, Neem, Liquorice and Turmeric are compatible with the excipients. The prepared gel was characterized for various parameters i.e; Physical appearance, viscosity, spreadability, HPLC, and kinetics release studies. Release data obtained with prepared polyherbal gel was fitted into various kinetics models i.e. Zero & First order, Higuchi and Koresemeyer-peppa models in order to find out the mechanism of drug release from the gel which confirmed zero order kinetics. These results imply that the polyherbal nanoparticulate gel has strong therapeutic potential and might be used to treat a range of skin conditions. To confirm its effectiveness and safety in human patients, more in-vivo research and clinical trials are necessary.
How to Cite
Pradnya B Patil, Ayesha Sultana, Charulatha, & Saniya Samreen. (1). Polyherbal Nanoparticulate Gel Containing Herbal Extracts of Harad, Neem, Liquorice and Turmeric: Characterization and In-vitro Assessment. International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research (IJPPR), 15(3), 127-159. https://doi.org/10.69580/IJPPR.15.3.2024.127-159