Herbal Medicines for the Treatment of Lifestyle Disorders: Efficacy, Safety, and Mechanistic Insights in Contemporary Research and Clinical Practice

  • Vikrant Vijaykumar Chilate Taywade Institute of Diploma in Pharmacy, Koradi Nagpur Maharashtra
  • Abhijit Jagannath Darwade Taywade Institute of Diploma in Pharmacy, Koradi Nagpur Maharashtra
  • Mangesh D Godbole Dadasaheb Balapande College of Pharmacy, Besa Nagpur
  • Money N. Butalia P. Wadhwani College of Pharmacy Yavatmal
Keywords: Herbal remedies, Lifestyle diseases, Integrative medicine, Mechanistic insights, Safety profiles, Clinical efficacy, Regulatory frameworks


Herbal remedies are increasingly recognized for their therapeutic potential in treating lifestyle diseases and complementing traditional medical approaches. This review synthesizes recent research findings highlighting the safety, effectiveness, and mechanistic insights of herbal remedies in contemporary clinical practice. Studies affirm their efficacy in managing prevalent conditions such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, and stress, attributing these benefits to diverse mechanisms including anti-inflammatory effects, antioxidant properties, modulation of metabolic pathways, neuroprotection, and cardioprotective actions. While generally safe, cautious use and clinical oversight are advised due to potential adverse effects and interactions with conventional medications. Regulatory perspectives stress the importance of standardized procedures and quality control to ensure patient safety and product consistency. Successful integration into clinical practice relies on evidence-based guidelines and collaborative healthcare efforts, influenced by patient attitudes shaped by cultural norms and legal frameworks. Future research directions include rigorous clinical trials, advancements in nanotechnology for enhanced delivery, exploration of combination therapies, and development of regulatory frameworks for standardized practices and monitoring. In summary, herbal remedies offer holistic treatments merging traditional wisdom with modern scientific insights, enhancing their appeal as adjuncts in managing lifestyle diseases with ongoing research and integration efforts pivotal for optimizing their safe and effective utilization in modern healthcare practice.
How to Cite
Vikrant Vijaykumar Chilate, Abhijit Jagannath Darwade, Mangesh D Godbole, & Money N. Butalia. (1). Herbal Medicines for the Treatment of Lifestyle Disorders: Efficacy, Safety, and Mechanistic Insights in Contemporary Research and Clinical Practice. International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research (IJPPR), 15(3), 84-104. https://doi.org/10.69580/IJPPR.15.3.2024.84-104