Pharmacy Exit Exam for the Upliftment of Profession of Pharmacy Practice in India: A Review

  • Hashim Khan Metro College of Health Science & Research, Greater Noida India.
  • Sebu Mesco Institute of Pharmacy, Amroha, U.P., India
  • Praveen Gaur Metro College of Health Science & Research, Greater Noida India.
  • Arun Kumar BBDIT college of Pharmacy, Ghaziabad, U.P India
  • Mujib ur Rahman Mesco Institute of Pharmacy, Amroha, U.P., India
Keywords: Pharmacy, India, exit exam, pharmacy practice


The goal of implementing exit exams for Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm holder) is to encourage students to put effort into their learning. Considering the growth of the healthcare sector in India, pharmacists have a lot of career opportunities if they can cope with the ever-increasing demand for innovation, research, skills, knowledge and talent required in the profession. The pharmacy profession is moving dynamically as we are heading towards becoming the pharmacy of the world. Exit exams can be a good quality indicator for academic program reviews and for educational institutes teaching standards. The compulsion of the exit exam will set into place new standards intended to increase the learning of all students. Such exams result in positive effects on student achievement. Exit exams will surely upgrade the pharmacy profession in India.
How to Cite
Hashim Khan, Sebu, Praveen Gaur, Arun Kumar, & Mujib ur Rahman. (1). Pharmacy Exit Exam for the Upliftment of Profession of Pharmacy Practice in India: A Review. International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research (IJPPR), 14(4), 107-112. Retrieved from