• Anuj Agarwal Teerthanker Mahaveer college of pharmacy,Teerthanker Mahaveeer University Moradabad,[U.P]
  • Bhuvnesh Kumar Singh Teerthanker Mahaveer college of pharmacy,Teerthanker Mahaveeer University Moradabad,[U.P]
  • Neelanchal Trivedi Teerthanker Mahaveer college of pharmacy,Teerthanker Mahaveeer University Moradabad,[U.P]
  • K.K. Jha Teerthanker Mahaveer college of pharmacy,Teerthanker Mahaveeer University Moradabad,[U.P]
Keywords: HIV, AIDS, Epidemic, Impact


AIDS is one of the most destructive and hazardous diseases of modern times, ravaging families and communities globally. Since the beginning of the epidemic more than 15 million Africans have died from AIDS. Nearly twothirds of all people living with HIV are found in sub-Saharan Africa, although this region contains only about 10% of the world's population. This disease is big challenge to healthcare scientists and researchers. A lot of researches have been carried out worldwide for treatment of it, however no therapy or medicine guarantees for fully eradication and treatment of it. The patient is not only affected by AIDS/HIV but the other persons and sectors of society such as healthcare professionals, children, enterprises and workplaces etc. are also greatly affected by it. In the present review it has been focused how this disease is affecting the people worldwide and how much population of the world is enforced to live with this disease.
How to Cite
Anuj Agarwal, Bhuvnesh Kumar Singh, Neelanchal Trivedi, & K.K. Jha. (1). THE HAZARD OF HIV/AIDS ON THE SOCIETY GLOBALLY. International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research (IJPPR), 5(3), 1102-1107. Retrieved from