• Harsh Kumar Faculty of Pharmacy, Vaish Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Rohtak, Haryana
  • Tanuj Hooda Faculty of Pharmacy, Vaish Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Rohtak, Haryana
  • Yashpal Sangwan Faculty of Pharmacy, Vaish Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Rohtak, Haryana
Keywords: Nanoemulsion, Submicron size droplet, Self emulsifying agent, drug delivery.


Nanoemulsions are submicron sized emulsion that is under extensive investigation as drug carriers for improving the delivery of therapeutic agents. Nanoemulsion as a part of multiphase colloidal dispersion, is a heterogeneous system composed of fine oil in water or water in oil dispersion with surfactant and co-surfactant having droplets covering the size range of 20-600 nm and show narrow size distribution. These are prepared using high energy emulsification method including microfluidic and ultrasonic methods, which rupture large micro droplets into nanoscale droplets provides useful non equilibrium system of structured liquids. Thus the aim of this review is focused on nano emulison advantage and disadvantage, various methods of preparation, characterization techniques and the various applications of sub micron size emulsion in different areas such as various route of administration, in chemotherapy, in cosmetic, etc.
How to Cite
Harsh Kumar, Tanuj Hooda, & Yashpal Sangwan. (1). NANOEMULSIONS: A PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW. International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research (IJPPR), 5(2), 1031-1038. Retrieved from