Benzimidazole, A Versatile Analogue- A Review

  • Davinder Kumar Department of pharmaceutical chemistry.Sbmnips &R, Asthal Bohar Rohtak- 124001 India.
  • Keshav Sharma Department of pharmaceutical chemistry.Sbmnips &R, Asthal Bohar Rohtak- 124001 India.
Keywords: Benzimidazole, pharmacophore, biological activities


The Benzimidazole has been an important pharmacophore, played a very significant role in the development of theory in heterocyclic chemistry and also extensively in organic synthesis and privileged structure in medicinal chemistry. Benzimidazole derivates play vital role in biological field such as antimicrobial, antiviral, antidiabetic, anticancer activity, inhibitors of type I DNA topoisomerases, antihelmintic, anti-allergic etc. Benzimidazoles are remarkably effective compounds, extensive biochemical and pharmacological studies have confirmed that these molecules are effective against various strains of microorganisms. This review is summarized to know about the chemistry of different derivatives of substituted Benzimidazoles along with their pharmacological activities.
How to Cite
Davinder Kumar, & Keshav Sharma. (1). Benzimidazole, A Versatile Analogue- A Review. International Journal of Pharma Professional’s Research (IJPPR), 3(2), 550-560. Retrieved from